We express our great gratitude to the Association of the Blind from Bitola for accepting our donation of tactile paintings and sculptures, which will be exhibited as a permanent display in the Resource Center of the Association of the Blind from Bitola. The exhibition consists of 10 tactile paintings with motifs from Bitola (the most significant cultural and historical monuments in Bitola) and 10 tactile sculptures replicas of artifacts from the collection of the museum in Bitola. We got the idea for such a donation from the cooperation with NI Institute and Museum – Bitola. The museum from Bitola is a pioneer in this area in Macedonia and constantly organizes tactile exhibitions in Bitola and other places in the country and outside it. But exhibitions come and go, and visitors are left with only memories. That’s why we wanted, as we all want to have artistic pictures and sculptures in our homes, to enable the blind to decorate their common home in Bitola with tactile pictures and sculptures that they can “see” (feel through touch). The exhibition was prepared by our collaborators from NU Institute and Museum – Bitola Dr. Irena Ružin and MSc Jove Pargovski with a large number of their collaborators, to whom we also express our great gratitude. The tactile display was donated by the president and co-founder of the GAUS Institute, prof. Dr. Igor Nedelkovski on 4.12.2021 on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.