MACEDONIAN TALENTS FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THE SUMMER SCHOOL OF SCIENCE – LOVQEN 2023 Within the framework of a project supported by the European Union and the Western Balkans Fund, the Summer School of Science is being held for the 16th time this year, in Lovqen, Montenegro, organized by our partners Prona – Montenegrin Science Promotion Foundation – Foundation for the promotion of science. For decades, the most talented high school and elementary school students have taken part in it, and the lecturers are numerous professors from the region, as well as guests from the world universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Lomonosov, etc. In this traditionally outstanding summer school, our young talents will participate for the first time, who will work diligently from August 10-15, 2023, in Ivanovi Korita in Lovcen, in lectures, workshops, and also with experimental and independent productions in the field of chemistry, biology. , physics, electronics, astronomy, mathematics and medicine. The coordinator of the group, a long-time associate of the Gauss Institute, Dr. Renata Petrevska Nechkoska, a professor at the University of St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola and a postdoctoral fellow at the Ghent University in Belgium will lead the exceptional: – Iskra Nechakovska, Secondary School “Josip Broz Tito” Bitola – Oleg Trajkovski, Secondary School “Josip Broz Tito” Bitola – Mihail Naumovski, SOTU GJORGI NAUMOV – BITOLA – Jana Popovska, OOU Elpida Karamandi Bitola – Sara Naumovska, @Ou “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola The group also includes elementary school student Noela Nechkoska Listen to Noela, a show for young people, UKLO FM, in the role of a junior -demonstrator will help the professor in holding a workshop on: OPPORTUNISTIC CREATION & SCIENCE COMMUNICATION for the participants of the summer school, by presenting the ethnographic experiences of his own experimental approach in opportunistic creativity and gamification of learning, intended for young people in science. We wish them a nice time, and that they present our country in an excellent light, which will open doors for future participants from Macedonia, in this top summer school. The project has received joint funding from the EU/Western Balkans Fund to support Civil Society Regional Actions in the Western Balkans