Welcome to the BeCircular group (in which ideas and activities from the Circle circulate…
Welcome to the BeCircular group ( in which ideas and activities from the Circular Economy circulate, created for the dissemination of the #BeCircular project and together, networked, learned from good practices and new ideas, to advance our planetary living! GAUSS Institute Association for Research and Analysis – ZMAI Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of Western
Within the project #BeCircular, Gauss Institute Bitola realized a “Train the Tra…
Within the project #BeCircular, Gauss Institute Bitola realized a “Train the Trainers” Seminar participation on Circular Economy & BioEconomy, in Kozani, Greece. The hosts – DIADYMA’s & CluBE welcomed Renata Petrevska Nechkoska and Mimoza Bogdanoska Jovanovska, as well as the ZMAI representatives in their premises, showcasing their approach, systems, cluster, positioning and effects to the
Within the project #BeCircular, Gauss Institute Bitola realized a “Train the Tra… Read More »